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What is the cause of this error 

This error is caused due to certain required DLL’s related to the Microsoft Visual C++ runtime not being registered or installed on your computer.
The Microsoft Visual C++ runtime is required to be installed in order for the CaseWare installation to successfully complete. In some instances if Windows Updates have not been run or if a conflicting version of the Microsoft Visual C++ runtime has been installed by another application, it can cause Error 1904 to be raised by the CaseWare installation.

This error has multiple causes and the resolution will depend on your IT environment. For further assistance contact your IT administrator or IT service provider to assist you with resolving this issue.

How to resolve error 1904


Before you continue with the following steps, please ensure:


  1. You have contacted your IT administrator or firm champion to inform them of the issue as the following steps may require administrator rights.
  2. Ensure you have installed all the recommended Windows updates. Click here to learn how to run Windows Updates.


Uninstall existing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable files


Step 1 Check Control Panel | Programs and Features for the following programs and uninstall them if they exist:
(64-bit redistributables):
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x64)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x64)
(32-bit redistributables):
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86) 
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x86) 


Note: The VC2017 redistributables are more reliable than the included VC2015 redistributables in the context of this troubleshooting.


Run Windows Updates
  1. For Windows 8.1 users, the specific Windows Update that contains the required files can be found here.
Note: If you have already run your Windows Update or you are on Windows 7 or Windows 10, you do not need to install this file.


Download and install both the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Files below
  • Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable x64 download here
  • Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable x86 here
Note: It is important that both the x64 and x86 files are downloaded and installed regardless of your machine setup. You will need to reboot your machine after the installations have completed.
Reinstall Working Papers
  1. Uninstall Working Papers and then reboot the system.
  2. Reinstall CaseWare Working Papers



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