Effect on the financial statements
Expand button ![]() |
This button will expand or contract the entry table to reveal or hide the detailed options available. |
Version XXXX.XX.XX | The version number indicates the month and version number of each release and is used only by the support team during support calls. |
Enter the company NAME |
Defines the entity name used throughout the FS set and the IR4. This is derived from the Operating name in the Engagement properties of the CaseWare client file (CLP2) |
Select accounts to be PRINTED |
Dropdown with different printing options for the FS. This selection does not affect in any way the content of the FS. |
Changing the entity type affects the content of the entire FS set. The changes vary for each of the available types of entities. |
Tick this box for - CONSOLIDATED FS | Financial statements” becomes “consolidated financial statements” throughout the set, the auditor’s report and some accounting policies are affected. |
UNAUDITED FS | The word 'unaudited' and different auditor’s report options appear in the FS. |
Change TEXT repeated numerous times in FS | Used for the preparation of financial statements for entities not in the predefined list by changing the ENTITY name the description of the BOARD of directors and reference to the applicable STANDARDS AND LAWS |
IAS 1 Presentation options | Different name options for primary statements of financial position, profit or loss and other comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows. |
IFRS 7 disclosures to be included | Option to include or exclude extended disclosures in relation to financial risk management. |
Alternative PRESENTATION options |
Alternative cover and subsequent pages subtitles. Alternative presentation options for profit and loss, other comprehensive income, balance sheet, and cash flow statements. Alternative tax treatment options. |
Select YEAR or PERIOD | Changing reference to YEAR or PERIOD throughout the entire set |
Options relating to preparation of interim financial statements and financial statements not covering a full calendar year. This option affects auditors report, and notes to the FS. For quarterly FS, two extra blank columns are available in the “Income statement” for the user to enter manually the comparative period(s) dates and amounts. |
This the first year and comparatives are NOT required | This checkbox will hide all comparative columns and prior year parts of notes. In addition, all references to comparatives in the document text paragraphs are automatically hidden. There is also an option to show opening position for notes such as PPE note. |
Define DATES throughout FS | The dates in the FS are updated from the file Engagement properties however these may also be amended under this section the Entry table |
Date of SIGNATURE | Defining the signing dates throughout the entire set |
CURRENCY options |
Defining the financial statement currency. There are different options for the sign in headings and text paragraphs. An option to add an extra column in the primary statements of financial position, profit or loss and other comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for presentation in an alternative currency. Option to convert all input values in the set by using a rate specified by the user. |
AUDITOR's report options |
Changing the auditor’s report presentation. Option to refer to FS pages in the report. Option to disclose the names of the primary statements of other comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows either in full or in short in the 1st paragraph of the report. Option to include header in 2nd and subsequent pages of the report. Selection between 3 auditors as defined in the information store. Choose the signing partner between the 20 different names of partners entered in the information store. Enter the designation of the partner signing the report |
CITY in short for clients' signatures | Field for entering the city of the client to be used under the signature of the Board of directors report |
Tick this box if a WATERMARK needs to be printed |
Adds a watermark in the entire set. Wording of the watermark may be changed where necessary. |
Clear\Shade Input Cells on printout. |
Usually input cells have grey background on screen which is not printed. This option allows the printing of the grey background of input cells. |