Caseware Audit International
A powerful and efficient "out-of-the-box" solution for performing assurance, analysis and reporting engagements.
Caseware Financial Statements
Highly flexible Working Papers component that offers everything expected from an accounts preparation package.
Caseware Tax Forms
Offers a unique way to manage the completion of your clients' Tax Returns in Cyprus.
Caseware Cloud
Web-based collaboration environment for accountants and auditors, offering social networking, client portal, document management, engagement tracking and dashboard mining.

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A. The following sections will be affected on selecting that the entity is a NON – PROFIT organisation:

Entry table - Change TEXT repeated numerous times in FS
The sections ‘ENTITY’, ‘BOARD’ and STANDARDS AND LAWS are expanded to warn user that these may need to be updated to be applicable for the particular type of entity

The following sections are skipped

• Board of directors and other officers
• Report of the Board of Directors
• Statement of changes in equity
• Additional information to the Statement of income and expenses
• All references to ‘Dividends’

Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
This is substituted by the ‘Statement of income and expenses’

Statement of financial position
Retained earnings and accumulated losses are renamed to ‘Accumulated surplus/deficit’



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